Thursday, May 10, 2012

Class Reflection

Now that the semester is over I would like to say how much I enjoyed this class and how sad I am that it is over. I always looked forward to going to this class and loved my classmates. We were a group of talkative and interesting people that made  it that much better. By the end I think we were all comfortable enough with each other that we didn’t care about getting up in front of the class and making fools of ourselves. I wish more classes were like this one. I was never bored and learned something new almost every class.

1) Episteme: I felt we learned quite a bit in this category. Out of these four I feel this aspect lacked the most. In the beginning we started out strong in this subject learning about the constitution and the separation of powers but we slowly moved away from this to focus on the other categories . I’ve also been in your other two law classes where we spend most of class on this subject so maybe that’s why I feel that way.

2) Techne- This played an important part in our class time. We had to work hard together to stray productive and try to keep ahead of the other groups in the nation state game. The class as a whole also worked as a group learning from each other’s experience as we went through the different laws and social problems.

3) Phronesis: Social skills played the largest role in this class because we were always interacting with each other. We first had to learn to w0rk together with our groups then how to work together with other groups. I very much enjoyed the videos we watched in class that taught me many things I had never known before about human emotion. I gained the most in this aspect. I have never been good at getting up and taking in front of a group of people and usually get really anxious.  By the midterm in this class I was able to get up and give a speech and then again in the final get up and dance without feeling nervous. That was something I’ve never experienced before.

4) Metis: Metis was very important in the nation states game. It was needed to know which move would keep you from being attacked or how to get some low points from Andrew or resources from another country. One example was baking cookies and brownies that persuaded Andrew to give us 100,000 law points.

Thank you Prof. Ellerman for another semester of fun! I hope to see you in future semesters!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

As I write this final blog I want to say I had a great time and worked with a good group of people.  I really enjoyed Professor Ellerman's class and can honestly say I have never experienced a college class like this one.  So as I reflect on what I took away from this learning experience and am glad I took this educational ride.

I will do my best on reflecting what this class taught me using the four definitions the Greek's used to define knowledge.

1) Episteme:  I love what this means because I love both science and the law and really enjoyed studying the United States Constitution - which more of us should really read.  I like the discussions regarding a states rights vs. the federal government and how important this separation of powers is to all of us.  Reading the New York Times and discussing current stories that effect us all was a big plus to me.  How many of us, outside a class like this,  really debate the issues of today in any great depth.

2) Techne:  This area was much more out of my knowledge base and was quite difficult at first.  I have never written on a blog or facebook for that matter, but I did learn something knew.  I really appreciated the help from other younger and more technological savy group members, and thank them all for their patience and advise in this area.  Although I struggled with it I feel it is a necessary evil to make this class work.

3) Phronesis:  When it comes to emotional and social skills this is an area I feel comfortable with and really enjoyed watching the emotional life in class.  Some of the stories went on too long and should have been shortened, but overall I liked it.  We as people and a society need to learn better ways to communicate in both our personal lives and professional ones.  Most of us have a story involving a difficult working relationship with a fellow co-worker or boss and would really benefit from some sound advise in how to resolve our differences - with out all the drama!

4) Metis:  I guess the cunning and savvy this class represented was in our Nation Game and how we all had to compete against each other for resources and points.  This part of the class was definitely the funnest part of all for me.  Writing the laws for our nation of Arethusa was a challenge, but informative as well.  My only complaint is that I felt we had to write too many of them.  At times these laws became quite redundant and maybe this is part of the problem in the U.S. today.  Laws are an important part of a civil society when they improve our lives, but a liability when they restrict our freedoms and choices as citizens.

I leave this class wanting to learn more about the laws of our society and how I as a citizen can improve not just my life, but the lives of my fellow citizens.  I think you did pretty good Professor Ellerman.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our National Anthem

The Hero of Arethusa

After the turn of the century
In the clear blue skies over Cerebria
Came a roar and a thunder men had never heard
Like the scream and the sound of a big war bird
Up in the sky, a man in a plane
Baron von Jeffery was his name
Eighty men tried, and eighty men died
Now they're buried together on the countryside

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Mighty Green Baron was rollin' out the score
Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree
Of the Mighty Green Baron of Cerebria

In the nick of time, a hero of Arethusa arose
A funny-looking dog with a big black nose
He flew into the sky to seek revenge
But the Baron shot him down--"Curses, foiled again!"

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Mighty Green Baron was rollin' out the score
Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree
Of the Mighty Green Baron of Cerebria

Now, Snoopy had sworn that he'd get that man
So he asked the Great Council for a new battle plan
He challenged the Cerebrian to a real dogfight
While the Baron was laughing, he got him in his sight

That Mighty Green Baron was in a fix
He'd tried everything, but he'd run out of tricks
Snoopy fired once, and he fired twice
And that Mighty Green Baron went spinning out of sight

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Mighty Green Baron was defeated for
The Great Arethusa by the dog Snoopy
Our Victorious Country was finally free

Our recording of the anthem that we played in class was too big of a file to let me upload on here and my internet sucks so it would have taken way to long to upload to youtube. Here is the original music video of the above song we modified.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nation Game

I’m very happy with how the groups worked out. My group works very well with eachother and decision making is easy. I do wish that we were more productive at making laws so that we would have been a stronger competitor among the other nations. I feel we were very proactive with other group, doing trades and forming relations with other countries. We based our government off the United States’ and wanted to end up with peaceful relations with all the other countries without having to declare war.

I feel the game can be improved for future classes. It was most interesting in the beginning when we had to trade resources to build wonders but once that was done the game became less exciting. There needs to be more competitions between the nations to keep it fun and exciting. Maybe something like making 2 nations face off during each class to deal with a situation? 

Nation-state Games

I like how we all work together and we'er really organized. We make all the decisions as a group and everything is working out perfectly; we even formed an alliance. All the teams are working together to attack the 7th nation. My group will stay the way we are; we think thing through and we will get more aggressive if need be. Yes we do have a strategy and its working out better then expected. We are a little bit of both proactive and reactive it just depends on the situation. We'er using the United States for some of our guide lines along with a ouple other countries.

The Nation State Game

The nation state game has been fun and I really don't have any complaints except I wish we had more time together as a group.  I think our nation of Arethusa represents the best of a true democratic government through it promotion of freedom for all its citizens.  We are not a aggressive nation, but one who  reaches out to fellow nations to forge strong relations in trade, security and the promotion of democracy for all..  I believe nations like America, Canada, and many European countries are similar to how our nation was modeled.  We all shared in the writing of our laws and our constitution .  All critical decisions were discussed within our group before we came to a unanimous agreement,  and only then did we proceed.    What I liked the most about working as a group is the problem solving we shared.  When one person couldn't come up with an answer there was always another who could. Through this class exercise I believe we all developed a better sense and understanding of teamwork and how effective it is in getting the job done.  I enjoyed this class more than most and would recommend it to fellow students.

On June 11, 1776 while the question of independence was being debated, the visiting Iroquois chiefs were formally invited into the meeting hall of the Continental Congress. There a speech was delivered, in which they were addressed as "Brothers" and told of the delegates' wish that the "friendship" between them would "continue as long as the sun shall shine" and the "waters run."

Figure 31


Thursday, April 19, 2012

arethusa bill of amendments part2

5) Every citizen has the right to a peaceful assembly and non-violent protest.

6) No citizen shall be compelled to be a witness against themselves in a criminal case.

7) No citizen shall be denied thier right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happyness without due process of law.

8) Every citizen over the age of eightteen except those incarcerated shall have the right to vote.

The Constitution of Arethusa

The Constitution of Arethusa

Our nation will strive to promote the ideals of equality, freedom, and security.

The Executive Branch will consist of a President, who will be elected by a direct vote. All citizens over the age of 18 will have the right to vote. A president will server for six years and then there will be a new election. A person wins the election if they receive 51% of the vote. To run for president an individual must be a citizen and at least 30 years of age.

The Legislative Branch will consist of a council. The Council will have 45 members. Arethusa will be divided into five districts. Each district will hold competitive elections to select five representatives to represent them on the Council. All prospective Council members must be citizens of Arethusa and the district they wish to represent. In addition all prospective Council members must be at least 25 years old. Each member will serve for three years and then there must be new elections.

The Judicial Branch will consist of a Supreme Court and five lower courts. The Supreme Court has the last say on all legal matters. The Judges will serve for life unless they break their oath of office. Judges will be nominated by the council and approved by the President. All Judges must be citizens and at least 45 years old. Judges must have at least ten years experience as a Judge in a district court. Each district may set up their own court system which is subject to the federal courts.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1.  every citizen has a right to free speech, press and religion.

2.  every citizen has a the right to bear arms.

3.  every citizen has the right to a fair and speedy trial and a reasonable bail.

4.  every citizen has the right to own property and secure their property from imminent threat.

these are the first four of our great " bill of right's" that every citizen of the great nation of Arethusa is born with.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Is it ok to kill if it's self defense?

With the recent law passing of "stand your ground," I feel that this will only make things more complicated in the area of the right to carry. This law is basicaly giving people more insentive to just shoot and ask questions later. I support the right to carry to the fullest,and how California's gun laws are and I think that people need to just leave some things alone. My gun policy would be similar you would have the right to shoot someone in self defense but with the intent to only wound the person not kill them unless you absolutly have no other choice. Like the case involving the rapper Gucci Mane he was arrested on murder charges but because it was self defense and there was a witness to testify that the men indeed did rush into his condo the charges were dropped because the lack of evidence they needed. And because it was self defense and his life was threatened.

"Make My Day"

The current gun legislation being passed such as the "Stand Your Ground" laws pose a great threat to public safety. I'm a proud supporter of the second amendment but these laws only hurt any future progress in gun legislation by making it easier to get away with murder.

My Gun Policy:
1. Any permitted (with proper training and registration) person should be allowed to carry a concealed or unconcealed weapon for protective purposes.
2. Any person carrying a gun may only use it in time of immediate and obvious danger.
3. If a person carrying a gun feels threatened or in danger they should first try to retreat or escape before resorting to use of the gun.

No one, gun or no gun, should ever pursue someone they feel threatened by. No one should be legally allowed to shoot and/or kill a person without evidence that their life is in danger. Finally, No one should be able to murder an unarmed person, claim self-defense and get away with it with out some sort of punishment.

Here is an article other shooting gone wrong as a result of these laws:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Policy for right to carry laws

After reading about the Trayvon Martin case these past few weeks I feel a national discussion on the "right to carry" laws should be discussed at length if only to avoid this from happening again.  Few details have been released, but people are very angry that this happened and that no investigation was done by local law enforcement.  My feeling is one of sadness and I am sure the shooter George Zimmerman feels the same as I do - at least this is what some witnesses have stated  What could have prevented this tragedy is what we all should all be asking ourselves.  As for policy on this subject I side with California's strict gun control laws that make it very difficult to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a concealed weapons permit license or are law enforcement.  These people are trained rigorously and know how to respond to a threat much more than the average citizen does.

My policy would follow California's law as follows:

You act in lawful self-defense if you:

1.  reasonably believe that you are in imminent danger of being killed, seriously injured, or unlawfully touched.

2.  believe that immediate force is necessary to prevent that danger and

3.  use no more force than necessary to defend against that danger.

California also does not have a "stand your ground" law that makes it easier for a citizen to shoot first and ask questions later.  Florida's "stand your ground" law does not permit a person to walk around his or her neighborhood with a loaded firearm without a special permit so Mr. George Zimmerman might be found guilty just for carrying  the gun that fateful night.

As Gail Collins of the New York Times said "The best solution for all concerned would be a national gun-control law that makes it difficult to get a concealed weapons permit and to limit them to the home, business, or glove compartment unless that individual is in the security business.  Mr Zimmerman was not a licensed security officer, but only a zealous neighborhood watch person who's lack of training probably contributed to this nightmare.  I bet he wishes this never happened and if a national law was in place maybe it wouldn't have.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

I agree with my group members that I am not a fan of this article assignment but here it goes.

The article I found was about a study on group dynamics preformed and documented by Bruce W. Tuckman. As a result of this study he preformed one of the most quoted models of group development in the 1960s that is still used to this day. This model called "Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing" is the perfect example of what my group went through to become a successfully functioning team.

Article Link

1. There were members in our group that did more than others for the midterm assignment but i do not think it hurt our presentation. We made up for any weakness in the time we were given in the beginning of class because we function well as a team and i think pulled of a great presentation! I would rate myself at an 8 for performance but know I would not have done that well if i didn't have my group up there supporting me.

2. I would not remove anyone from our group. All of the other members in my group have some sort of strength that helps us be successful. For example: I may be able to come up with a decent presentation the night before it's due but I would never be able to find the confidence to stand up by myself and sing "Dancing Queen" in front of the class for resources. I wouldn't be against adding someone to our group if they wanted to join though I don't feel a need for it. They would just need to be creative and friendly.

3. Workplace rules are very important for getting stuff done successfully.
A. 10
B. 7
C. 7
D. 8
E. 10
F. 7

4. 5 Rules:
  1. Good Communication
  2. Be friendly and have fun
  3. Don't get distracted from accomplishing tasks
  4. Be creative and efficient
  5. Get to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses 
To sum it up I feel one assignment cannot define the strength of a person or a group.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

group dynamics

I also find this blog a little troubling and out of pocket but here is my best shot. I chose to use an article from group dynamics about problem solving teams and I feel that my group is one of them. We could have made things better and been more prepared with more communication, but we worked very well together with what we had and managed to pull it off. If I had a choice to add or remove someone I would not are group is small but we all work together and help each other out the best we can. I know some characteristics that I need to show improvements and have been able to see what they were after this midterm and have been working to make them better. For example better communication with my group members and taking more responsibility to do my part to increase are groups productivity so we all can benefit from it. Here is the link to the article in which I found are group dynamics. 

Reflections on the midterm

I have to confess I don't like this assignment where I am asked to rate fellow team members - but since I don't have a choice I will try and do my very best in assessing all of us honestly.  First I must say that I believe as a group we performed good even though we had some obstacles to overcome.  We could have been better prepared if we had communicated more effectively prior to our presentation, but we did work very diligently in class to fix our mistakes.  I do have to give the most kudos to my fellow team mates Chane and Amber for their stellar presentations and would grade me as effective.  Although we were not as prepared as we should have been, we chose to overcome by gathering some additional information before our presentation.  I give us credit in resolving our mistakes by making the best of a stressful  situation, and not just throwing in the towel.  I would rate myself as a 6 in this group dynamic.  At this time I would not want to remove or add a member to our group because we have been together from the beginning and to do so would be disruptive, to say the least. The article I chose to demonstrate our group dynamic was from author Scott Johnson who used a 1967 Science article where ecologist Garrett Hardin discussed a group of cattle ranchers shared land for grazing their cattle called "tragedy of the commons".  The basis for this article is that each rancher could add as many cattle they wanted to graze, but each additional cow would deplete resources for all ranchers.  In this study it was found that the smaller the group of people involved in this business venture would be at risk the most for losing money, and would be less willing to add additional cows to graze.  The larger group encountered less risk as it was shared by more investors - some with more resources - so would be willing to graze more cows - no matter the risks to the other investors.

Our group is comparable to the smaller investor in that we have such a small group dynamic, and much more risks if we do not work together to complete our tasks.  We depend on each other more than a larger group because there are less of us to get the job done. And finally I will rate the basic workplace rules important in our group as follows:

A. Showing up on time - 9
B  Doing our fair share - 8
C. Being on time - 7
D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members - 6
E. Handling conflict among group members - 5
F.  Being present in the group -not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting - 10

Lastly I would like to say I enjoy being in this group and look forward in spending the next few weeks with all of you.  Thanks everyone!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Susan B. Anthony List's Pledge

The Susan B. Anthony List is a pro-life group who have encouraged presidential candidates to sign their Pro-Life Leadership Presidential Pledge. There are four parts to the pledge. The first promise signers make is that they will only nominate “federal bench judges who are committed to restraint” and that those judges will be dedicated to applying the original meaning of the constitution. The second promise is that they will only “select pro-life appointees for relevant cabinet and Executive Branch positions”. Meaning that they will only select pro-life supporters to be the head of positions like the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Justice. The third obligation signers will have is that they will “advance pro-life legislation to permanently end all taxpayer funding of abortion in domestic and international spending programs”. This will include defunding organizations such as planned parenthood. A former George Bush Justice Department official said that he is worried that the pledge is possibly too “far-reaching in its implications.” He says that if it is taken as it is written then there is the possibility that Medicare and Medicaid patients would not be able to use any hospitals that perform any type of abortion. Mitt Romney refused to sing the pledge because he believes that the pledge calls for legislation that would “strip taxpayer funding from thousands of health care facilities”. Now, if the pledge really calls for that is debatable but if further proves the point that the pledge is too vague. The last promise of the pledge is that signers will “advance and sign into law a Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain from abortion. The pledge has no expiration date, so it is just as binding as the tax reform pledge written by the Americans for Tax reform advocacy group. Republican congressmen who signed the pledge in 1986 are still bound by it today. The pledge is partly responsible for the failure of the debt-reducing super-committee and for the way it “essentially kills any serious prospects for tax reform”. The Susan B. Anthony Pledge might seem like a good way for candidates to get support from voters at the moment, but it could restrain them in the way they vote years from now. So Far Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum have signed the pledge. The Susan B. Anthony List also supports many congressmen and encourages them to make policies that will ultimately end abortion.  If someone who has signed this pledge becomes president then they will limit people’s right to pursue happiness. People will not be able to follow their own moral code, they will be having the moral code of someone else forced on them. People who do want to get an abortion will not be able to make that choice for themselves because federal judges, the president, and Health Departments will all be against their choice. Anyone with a different moral code will not be able to fully pursue their happiness. If a signer of this pledge becomes president then these laws will come from the federal government and will be confirmed by the judicial branch. It does not matter if a President or a Congressman is against abortion, but they should be able to let everyone make that choice for themselves. The best outcome for this situation is for no else to sing this pledge and that the next president is someone who has not supported the Susan B. Anthony List. 


Women Losing Freedom

The comic Doonesbury creates a pretty realistic image of the political battle that today's women are currently fighting that is reducing our freedoms as women and as American citizens. Everyone deserves the protection of reproductive rights and no government should be able to take those rights away.

The World Health Organization defined reproductive rights as the "basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and timing of their children,  to have the information and means to do so, and to have the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. They also include the right of all to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence.

During the case Roe v. Wade in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment extends to a woman's decision to have an abortion prior to fetal viability (the time at which a fetus is potentially able to live outside the mother's womb). Or after viability if the Mother's life is at risk. I feel legislation has been regressing instead of moving forward in the almost 40 years since that case ruling.Current legislation among states and even the federal government have violated many of these standards especially in Texas where anti-abortion laws are the most extreme.

Texas has sliced its two-year family planning budget from $111 million to $38 million causing more than a dozen clinics like Planned Parenthood to close and potentially eliminating services for nearly 284,000 women. They have also passed a law that forces a woman seeking an abortion to go through a lengthy and stressful process before being legally able to have the procedure.

As described in the article "When States Abuse Women" a woman, "first must endure an ultrasound probe inserted into her vagina. Then she listens to the audio thumping of the fetal heartbeat and watches the fetus on an ultrasound screen. She must listen to a doctor explain the body parts and internal organs of the fetus as they’re shown on the monitor. She signs a document saying that she understands all this, and it is placed in her medical files. Finally, she goes home and must wait 24 hours before returning to get the abortion."

Some argue this force of intravaginal ultrasound is borderline rape. This violates a woman's freedom to privacy as promised in the Roe v. Wade decision but her reproductive freedom by exposing her to discrimination and forcing her into an almost violent situation. It will not put an end to abortion but only increase the number of deaths caused by women who seek illegal or more dangerous methods of abortion.

These budget cuts to women's health care and family planning programs reduces more services that are essential to a healthy life than it does abortions. Services such as breast cancer screenings,  free birth control pills and pap smears for cervical cancer to name a few are now virtually impossible to receive for many low income families.

I feel reproductive rights for every women, not just those seeking an abortion, are at great risk with middle-aged men making the majority of the decisions mostly off their own religious beliefs and bias opinions. I'm not saying whether having an abortion is right or wrong but every woman should have the freedom to make that decision on their own and no one should be able to choose for them.

A response from a New York Times reader:
"At a tad over 80, I feel as if I am being dragged back into the dark ages for women. Contraception and abortion are being played out in the political arena, where efforts to limit or deny women’s reproductive rights are being debated by those people least qualified to do so."
-JANET HELLER, Baltimore, Feb. 29, 2012

Article "When States Abuse Women"
Article "Women in Texas Losing Options for Health Care in Abortion Fight"
Reproductive Rights Defined
Roe v. Wade

Abortions and where the funding comes from

Many  women who get abortions use funds, but what are they and where do they come from and who pays for it? Do we as tax payers have to float the bill, or is it swept under the rug? First what are abortion funds; they are a group of people who will help you pay for your abortion when you can't afford it. These groups are almost all volunteers the government has nothing to do with it and they haven't been a part of it since 1977, when the Hyde Amendment was first implemented. There are still loop holes at  present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury. Also to add to the mess some states are requiring that women who want an abortion are first required to have a vaginal ultrasound is this a right of the state or is it wrong. I feel this is effecting women's natural right of exercising their fundamental liberties. Because women having abortions are already going through a hard enough time trying to make the best decision possible for them and for a state to require a vaginal ultrasound so the women can see their child is just plan wrong and cruel, as if the future mother doesn't have bad enough feelings about not being able to have her child the choice is hers and only hers. We as people should stand by them and try and do are best to help them through their tough time, but still educate on how to avoid it and prevent it from happening again.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Women in Texas Losing Options for Health Care

The legislature in Texas is cutting funding by two-thirds for all women's clinics they feel is supporting Planned Parenthood because of their association with doctors and clinics that fund abortion.  The "right to life" movement is gaining momentum in many states like Texas that feel the new federal health program passed by congress and signed by Obama in 2010 is over stepping states rights.  Almost forty years ago Texas was also involved in a case before the United States Supreme Court named "Roe vs. Wade",  in which a single pregnant women residing there, argued the constitutionality of Texas criminal abortion laws and won the case.  So here we are again arguing the legality of the Federal government in telling states how to handle a women's reproductive health and if they should have to fund it.  Title X  a federally funded family planning program enacted in 1970 is also at the heart of this argument, because Texas wants to opt out of receiving these funds altogether.  Although this program was set up to fund women without any means to provide their own health care coverage, such as:  birth control, pap smears, breast, cervical, and STD's screenings, states like Texas are adamant that this money is connected in some way to funding abortions which they are strongly against!  The question that should be asked is what are a states rights versus the federal government in determining how to take care of its own citizens - and who should make this determination?


Thursday, March 8, 2012

The E-Book Scandel

The popularity of e-books have sky rocketed over the past couple years and so had the issue of how to price them. Apple and other electronic publishing companies are currently under investigation by the Justice Department for suspicion of price collusion. Industry experts believe these companies have made secret agreements to raise prices of e-books limiting open competition.  The current pricing policy, which allows publishers to set their own prices for e-books, is currently under the microscope as investigators try to come up with a way to improve it without giving an unfair advantage to industry leaders such as Amazon.

The current fight is with Apple and the smaller e-book companies to try to say in competition with Amazon who is dominating the market. The Justice Department’s antitrust division's job is to try to come up with a better pricing policy that creates fair competition while preventing illegal dealings between underdog competitors. If no settlement is reached soon Apple will find themselves facing a possible major lawsuit.

Article Link.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

AARP Study Says Prices Of Popular Drugs Rose 26%

As I read this article it reminded me of the time not long ago when I was taking care of my mom and handling her medical care and prescription drugs.  By the time my mom moved in with me in 2008 she was taking several subscription medications, but that soon grew to multiple ones that were only partially covered under the new Prescription Drug Coverage Law passed by President Bush in 2004.  After paying her premium of forty plus dollars a month and a copay at the register she still ran out of benefits by June of each year.  This study by AARP supports this trend in that prices of brand names (most commonly used by seniors and the ones taken by my mom) has risen by 26% from the years of 2005-2009.  This is even after a steady decline of generic drug prices.  Most drugs prescribed to our seniors are in the category of brand names - not generic, and the specialty drugs grew by 48%.  In this period inflation grew by just 13% - so what is going on here!  One thing that has been stated by Lawrence Marsh, managing director of equity research at Barclays Capital, is that drug companies raised these prices before their patents expired.  What we need to do is to control the rapid and destructive rise in prescription drugs our seniors depend upon.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Cigarette War

New York and their local Indian tribes are in a legal war over the state's $4.35-a-pack cigarette tax. The tribe made cigarettes bring in millions of dollars each year and New York wants a piece of that income. These Indian reservations are sovereign nations and i believe the state has no right to tax cigarette that are manufactured and sold there. The original reason for these tax laws was to decrease the rate of smoking but if that was New York's real concern they would be fighting for less greedy legislation to reduce sales. The state could outlaw the Indian made cigarettes outside the reservation like they do with gambling and the state would have the right to do so, but trying to take money that they have no legal right to is an abuse of power.

Article Link

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tribes making there own cigarettes, is it wrong?

So the tribes have found another way to make some serious pocket change along with the casinos and resorts: Making and selling there own cigarettes. Many seem to be mad or upset about Indian tribes making and selling there own cigarettes and selling them for a much cheaper price. Its a great idea and they should be able to keep doing it. As long as they only sell them on there land. Who are we to say it's tax evasion, when they are sovereign- nations and do as they please. Maybe we will put less tax on tobacco products and people will buy are cigarettes and everyone is happy.
Check it out: 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shift In Virginia on abortion bill

I don't believe a state has a right to tell a women she must have a vaginal ultrasound before an abortion, and this is why I think Governor Bob McDonnell reversed his previous decision to support this bill.  Roe vs Wade states that to limit a women's access to abortion by states during their first trimester, and in certain cases in their second, would infringe upon the "due process clause" found in the fourteenth amendment in Section 1.  This law would definitely do just that - infringe on that guaranteed right under the Federal Law.  The political reaction from several women's organizations probably persuaded the governor to switch his position on this "hot potato" topic.  As a women and a citizen of this great country of ours I don't believe we as a society should be moving backwards, but instead forward when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.  As the fourteenth amendment states so eloquently "No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law".

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Shift In Virginia On Abortion Bill

I don't believe a state has a right to tell a women she must have a vaginal ultrasound before an abortion, and this is why I think Governor Bob McDonnell reversed his previous decision to support this bill.  Roe vs Wade states that to limit a women's access to abortion by states during their first trimester, and in certain cases in their second, would infringe upon the "due process clause" found in the fourteenth amendment in Section 1.  This law would definitely do just that - infringe on that guaranteed right under the Federal Law.  The political reaction from several women's organizations probably persuaded the governor to switch his position on this "hot potato" topic.  As a women and a citizen of this great country of ours I don't believe we as a society should be moving backwards, but instead forward when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.  As the fourteenth amendment states so eloquently "No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law".

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The F.D.A. has just endorsed the first new diet pill named "Qnexa" in thirteen years after an earlier vote in 2011 against the diet pill.  This is great news for severely obese and overweight people who have tried to lose weight the conventional way.  The F.D.A. had earlier been cautious regarding diet pills, because of safety issues regarding heart valve issues; but with two thirds  of the population either severely obese, or overweight this is a health hazard in the United States today.  This is both a societal problem along with a national one, and hopefully this drug will prove to be safe.    The federal government oversees our pharmaceutical drugs and so this is a federal issue along with doctors weighing in on the safety of this drug.  Former diet drugs such as Fen -Phen was proven to elevate heart attacks and heat value damag,e and so they were banned.  Quexa's active ingredients include phentermine, which was determined to be the unsafe ingredient in the drug Fen-Phen.  This is definitely in the jurisdiction of  the federal government and hopefully this is the answer to many overweight people to assist them in losing weight.  In the end the F.D.A. agreed that this epidemic of obesity in the United States warranted another look at this drug.


Chinese Sportswear Sued by Michael Jordan

February 21, 2012 Michael Jordan filed a lawsuit against Chinese Sportswear manufacturer, Qiaodan, for unauthorized use of his name and identity in Chinese courts. Qiaodan is the name Jordan is know as in China, a country that has closely followed his career, and the company has used his jersey number 23 all without his permission. The company in the first half of last year had $270 million in revenue and $45 million in profit. According to Chinese law the Company had infringed on Jordan's rights under Article 99 of the General Principle of Civil Law that states "infringement on an individual person’s naming rights is prohibited."

On Jordan's official website that is covering all the facts of the case he states: "Under Chinese law, the plaintiff in a naming rights lawsuit is entitled to injunctive relief and damages where: 1) the individual is a famous public figure; 2) the defendant acts in bad faith by intentionally using the plaintiff’s name or other personal attributes without authorization; and 3) the use of the plaintiff’s name or other personal attributes damages the plaintiff by causing confusion among consumers who mistakenly associate the infringer, its products or services with the plaintiff." Fans everywhere are hoping this will be a slam dunk win for Micheal.


National Anthem

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I read in the New York Times today an article regarding the difficulty of small business to offer affordable heath care insurance to its employees.  I could not agree more because of my past experience regarding working for smaller companies of 20 or fewer employees, and the cost of the insurance.  Currently I work for a company of less than ten workers, and both the employer and employee pay substantial costs for health insurance.  Luckily I am covered under my husband's employer which is much better coverage, and at a lower cost to the employee and his or her family.  As Ann Gish, an employer of designer linens in Manhattan, New York states, health insurance is not only expensive, but convoluted and discriminatory against small business owners like herself, and her employees.  Her and her husband spend hours trying to figure out the best insurance for their employees -  insurance that won't break the bank for either of them. I agree with Ann Gish, insurance should not be so expensive and confusing to obtain.  I hope that this new "Obama Care" is the solution, but do any of us really understand it's implications and if it will make our lives both healthier and affordable at the same time.  I hope this "Affordable Care Act" will be a victory for us all!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

overdraft fees levied by banks

Although I agree banks have a right to charge overdraft fees on a check that has a lack of funds to settle or when you use a debit card without the necessary funds to cover the charge ,but I do not agree to some of their questionable practices.  I have had two different experiences with banks over the years where one helped me out while the other one tried to pull a "fast one'.  My first experience is with a bank that is no longer in existence, but treated me as a valued customer when I made an error in my checking ledger.  I had debited my account in error and ended up owing a hundred dollars in over draft fees - which I could little afford.  The bank manager spent several minutes helping me figure out my original math error and waived all over draft fees.  The second incident  involved a deposit being posted after a check  was cleared even though I had deposited the check two or three days before the check was written.  This was done on more than one occasion and so I decided to leave this bank.  Sometimes I feel the banks are "laughing all the way to bank" instead of serving their customers and being upfront and honest in the beginning of the relationship.


Professor Ellerman: Maya Rudolph Sings the National Anthem

Professor Ellerman: Maya Rudolph Sings the National Anthem

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Car makers urged to limit dashboard distractions

Today we don't just sit in our cars and drive from point A to B - we actually perform many other tasks while on the road.  Cars today enable us to get directions and even catch up with friends on facebook while programming our favorite music.  As I said we can program our music, phone systems and even play videos to entertain our children.  All of this sounds positive, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warns there are inherent dangers with this new technology, such as distracted drives who are not focused on the road.  Although the automakers like to include these gadgets to sell cars some safety advocates would like to see serious changes to these "infotainment systems" included with the car.  Ray Lahood who is our Transportation Secretary is investigating these studies and agrees there is some truth to it, but says these our voluntary measures not mandatory!  This is our government running at warp speed!  Knowledge is a gift we do not appreciate enough, but should!


G.M. Reports Big Profit; Europe Lags

G.M. has struggled greatly since their government bailout. After announcing its eighth consecutive quarterly profit of $472 million, things are really starting to turn around for the carmaker. G.M. is hard at work using its knowledge and virtue, values shared by our group, to make a comeback in the market. There is still a lot of work ahead of them with their European branch losing $747 million from the economic downturn there. Analyst Brian Johnson says, “G.M.’s new focus on balancing traditional cost controls with improved product quality is beginning to pay dividends in North America.” The company is well on its way to victory!
Article Link

Hope of victory is here for those who are willing to pay.

Check this out.
Many people are suffering from the high oil prices and the threats from Iran especially Europe, but thanks to Russia that is no longer a problem if you are willing to pay. With petroleum oil similar to that of Iran, Russia can sell its oil to those countries who have been cut off from Iran and to those who don't want Iran's oil. Also with  Europe's embargo act on Iranian oil it is looking like a victory for Russia as a world leader in oil supply.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kellogg to Buy Procter & Gamble’s Pringles Group

Procter and Gamble agree to sell pringles for $2.965 Billion to Kellogg, since the deal with Diamonds food fell through. How can can just chips be worth so much money?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Android's Conquest for Domination

Google's Policy of creating the software and letting others build the phone for it has created a frenzy among cell phone manufactures that even Apple is having trouble keeping up with. Samsung, Motorola and HTC are the major players in the Android market coming out with some amazing products such as the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx (pictured left) which currently holds the title of the longest batty life for any 4G phone and is just as thin as an iPhone. The iPhone may be clean and reliable but is limited in features and has a software update maybe one a year. Google's newest creation, Ice Cream Sandwich, which will slowing be released to many different android phones throughout the year will catch-up and even surpass many of iPhone features. Apple will have to work harder in the future to stay the largest competitor of the rapidly growing Android market.

Article Link