Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Make My Day"

The current gun legislation being passed such as the "Stand Your Ground" laws pose a great threat to public safety. I'm a proud supporter of the second amendment but these laws only hurt any future progress in gun legislation by making it easier to get away with murder.

My Gun Policy:
1. Any permitted (with proper training and registration) person should be allowed to carry a concealed or unconcealed weapon for protective purposes.
2. Any person carrying a gun may only use it in time of immediate and obvious danger.
3. If a person carrying a gun feels threatened or in danger they should first try to retreat or escape before resorting to use of the gun.

No one, gun or no gun, should ever pursue someone they feel threatened by. No one should be legally allowed to shoot and/or kill a person without evidence that their life is in danger. Finally, No one should be able to murder an unarmed person, claim self-defense and get away with it with out some sort of punishment.

Here is an article other shooting gone wrong as a result of these laws:


TRL@MY said...

I think your policy is rather interesting. Personally I wouldn't let people have any type of guns, but thats just me.

TRL@MY said...

I didn't elaborate enough previously^. what i found interesting was that your policy didn't mention anything about the restrictions people need to have on their guns.