Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Constitution of Arethusa

The Constitution of Arethusa

Our nation will strive to promote the ideals of equality, freedom, and security.

The Executive Branch will consist of a President, who will be elected by a direct vote. All citizens over the age of 18 will have the right to vote. A president will server for six years and then there will be a new election. A person wins the election if they receive 51% of the vote. To run for president an individual must be a citizen and at least 30 years of age.

The Legislative Branch will consist of a council. The Council will have 45 members. Arethusa will be divided into five districts. Each district will hold competitive elections to select five representatives to represent them on the Council. All prospective Council members must be citizens of Arethusa and the district they wish to represent. In addition all prospective Council members must be at least 25 years old. Each member will serve for three years and then there must be new elections.

The Judicial Branch will consist of a Supreme Court and five lower courts. The Supreme Court has the last say on all legal matters. The Judges will serve for life unless they break their oath of office. Judges will be nominated by the council and approved by the President. All Judges must be citizens and at least 45 years old. Judges must have at least ten years experience as a Judge in a district court. Each district may set up their own court system which is subject to the federal courts.


Danny Mote said...

I like the six term presidential term idea. It really seems like a good idea and I think it would encourage your countries presidents to make better choices for the good of their nation, rather than for the good of their re-election hopes.

Courtney Lund said...

Wow very nice job. You guys put a lot of effort into this.I really like your ideas.