Thursday, March 22, 2012

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

I agree with my group members that I am not a fan of this article assignment but here it goes.

The article I found was about a study on group dynamics preformed and documented by Bruce W. Tuckman. As a result of this study he preformed one of the most quoted models of group development in the 1960s that is still used to this day. This model called "Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing" is the perfect example of what my group went through to become a successfully functioning team.

Article Link

1. There were members in our group that did more than others for the midterm assignment but i do not think it hurt our presentation. We made up for any weakness in the time we were given in the beginning of class because we function well as a team and i think pulled of a great presentation! I would rate myself at an 8 for performance but know I would not have done that well if i didn't have my group up there supporting me.

2. I would not remove anyone from our group. All of the other members in my group have some sort of strength that helps us be successful. For example: I may be able to come up with a decent presentation the night before it's due but I would never be able to find the confidence to stand up by myself and sing "Dancing Queen" in front of the class for resources. I wouldn't be against adding someone to our group if they wanted to join though I don't feel a need for it. They would just need to be creative and friendly.

3. Workplace rules are very important for getting stuff done successfully.
A. 10
B. 7
C. 7
D. 8
E. 10
F. 7

4. 5 Rules:
  1. Good Communication
  2. Be friendly and have fun
  3. Don't get distracted from accomplishing tasks
  4. Be creative and efficient
  5. Get to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses 
To sum it up I feel one assignment cannot define the strength of a person or a group.

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