Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nation-State Reflection

The game as a whole is working, I personally like how it is being run.  If one thing needed to be changed it would be the trading/waring between the countries, I would prefer it to be smoother.  My nation is making great decisions and I am happy with the decisions being made.  I would prefer my nation to be more agressive.  Yes we have an agreed upon strategy for dealing with other countries and city-states.  We are using the United States of America as our example for they are the most free and powerful in the world, as well as having the longest standing constitution in existence.


Unknown said...

Hi Zac:
I agree with you about the game working after the first weeks of figuring it out. I also agree on how it is difficult to get a large number of various instructions, to then have to work out solutions in a 30-45 minute session with 20 people interacting.
I like how you also feel that we are using the United States as a model to follow. It is the greatest country to ever exist, but has growen somewhat unfoccused in it's actions these last 15-30 years.

Unknown said...

I agree with you both. Sometimes its a little bit rough only having a little bit of time to make decision and I do wish we had some more time to get more of a background. But I do think over all it is a fun experience.