National Act of Assimilating Cultural
Whereas it is desirable to encourage the progress of
Civilization among, the Native Tribes in this Province, and the gradual removal
of all legal distinctions between them and other Subjects, and to facilitate
the acquisition of property and of the rights accompanying it, by such
Individual Members of the said Tribes as shall be found to desire such
encouragement and to have deserved it : Therefore, the Government, by and with
the advice and consent of the Legislative Council, enacts as follows :
An Act for the protection of the Natives in the Providence
of Nombre from imposition and the property occupied or enjoyed by them, shall
apply only to Natives or persons of Native blood or intermarried with Natives,
who shall be acknowledged as members of Native Tribes or Bands residing upon
lands of our providence.
It is to be executed in a timely matter of 1 and half years,
until which those who are in contempt will be taxed per person until proof of
the enfranchisement process has been turned in.
The enfranchisement process will recognize any male Native over
the age of 21 able to speak, read and write English language readily and well,
and is sufficiently advanced in the elementary branches of education and is of
good moral character and free from debt.
“An "enfranchised" Indian would no longer retain
the "legal rights and abilities of Natives" and would "no longer
be deemed a Native" but a regular Nombre subject. Therefore, the
enfranchised will have the same rights as the Nombre citizens.
Those who are not able to enfranchise due to their
educational abilities will then be sentenced to a probationary enfranchisement,
in which they will be attending a class to help with this development.
If any native refuses the enfranchisement process the
individual will then be held in contempt and will be deported.
As Nombre citizens the Natives have the opportunity to share
their culture, traditions, and medical views.
To ensure that our country is healthy both culturally and
economically, we will immediately begin a health and welfare program for all
citizens. The benefits of which are to include but not be limited to: Free
health care at government funded medical facilities. It is and shall always be
the goal of the government of Nombre to care both physically and mentally care for
all our citizens. Effective immediately the government shall allocate funding
for the improvement and maintenance of all health facilities within the
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