Friday, May 9, 2014

Death is a delicate topic in our society and many carry varying opinions on the matter. I think that assisted suicide should be allowed as long as it is not abused. Individuals should be carefully screened to make sure they are terminal with no possibility of recovery. Only under those circumstances do I believe this should be a legal practice. When it comes to the issue of abortion I personally don't believe in the practice, but I still think it should be a legal practice. Its the individuals body and I don't think the government should have control over what they decide to do with it. Lastly there is the issue of the death penalty. I believe the death penalty should be used more often than it currently is now. When a prisoner is sentenced for a lifetime in prison without payroll they cost taxpayers millions of dollars over the remainder of their lifespan. I think that it saves taxpayer dollars and more efficient than sustaining them in a lifetime sentence

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