1. Personally I believe everybody in the group did their fair share of work and it seemed as if everyone did the amount of work relative to: 1. the way they like to put together information for a presentation and 2. how they like to present that information. Though I do have to hand it to Blake for putting together images and info for each person on Prezi or whatever its called, he went the extra mile above us. Brandon also did a swell job organizing us as I was absent the day of the midterm being assigned yet was still kept on track. I give myself a 7 because thats what most people rate themselves in most 10 point scales.
2. I would remove no one. We had people added to our group and so far they have not "dragged us down" in any way yet only strengthened us through numbers. The person that I would add would be someone who sucks at doing group stuff and being a team player so we could kick them off therefore strengthening us as a group.
3. Are "rules" are fairly important if your slacking we will let you know.
Showing up: 6
Doing your fair share: 7
Being on time: 6
Responding and Communicating: 7
Handling Conflict among group members: 8
Being present in the group: 7
4. Five rules for having an effective group: 1. Think critically 2. Argue and challenge ideas formally and respectfully 3. Remain in contact outside group meetings 4. Show up 5. Have fun
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