Monday, April 28, 2014

Living with the natives!!

In our country we are experiencing a unique situation of a country divided by race, heritage, and values. The Monoan tribe is currently having problems assimilating with our new founded countries values. We have formulated a brief action plan to help in the diversification of our country

First and foremost we would like to ensure the native tribes that they're included in the future progress and functionality of our democratic government. We will do this by creating a native position in our supreme council which will always be filled by a native blooded Monoan. 

Secondly, we will place advertisements in neighborhoods which have a majority of natives within their population. These advertisements will promote all the benefits of democracy. Mostly targeting the benefits of natives themselves joining in the democratic process. 

Lastly, we are initiating a new program which provides services which promote the specific desires of the voting citizenship i.e. government aid programs. This will ensure that the biggest benefits of living in our country is excluded from non citizens

Friday, April 25, 2014


This section on immigration will cover who is allowed to immigrate into our island and the general idea behind how they become a citizen.  Anyone is allowed to immigrate to our country and become a citizen after they first meet two requirements.  One: must pass an evaluative screening like system for obvious reasons, much like passing through Ellis Island.  Two to become a citizen imigrants must have ability to "buy" their way in via land ownership.  Essentially perspective immigrants must be able to buy land.  The implications of family, partners, ect will be taken into account and the degree of land is subject to change.  A force will be initiated to patrol our "borders" security of illegal immigration will be enforced strictly.  Given that our country is an island surrounded by water patrols will use boats and radar will be used at various areas/ checkpoints to manage illegal immigration.  picture of ellis island:
Although the culture between our Natives and the culture we bring with us are very different, it is very important that each of the groups respect and understand each other. When this is accomplished the end result will be a cultural/ traditional assimilation. The traditional model of assimilation involves 4 phases: contact, competition, accommodation, and then finally, assimilation.

Our groups talked about whether or not to isolate the natives on reserves like we do in the US but we felt that it allows them to seclude themselves from the rest of us and have basically another Gov. This seemed to be only encourage their behavior and not give us the amount of control that is needed to ensure the countries safety and prosterity. With this being said it made sense to infuse the natives into our neighborhoods, companies, economy,etc. ensuring that there is contact.

Because there is the contact established it would help the transition process. By allowing the natives to become citizens it allows them to participate in our economy by having the opportunity to be entrepreneurs and compete which stimulates the economy.

Accommodation isn't just being polite. Its is being educated in each other traditions and cultures and with this understanding hopefully join both groups.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

When dealing with the issue of immigration our government will create a task force with the job of documenting all citizens within the island. This task force will be called the Documentation Task Force and will be essential in our immigration and domestication issues. All citizens on the island will receive their personal ID card which will be necessary to purchase any items or to start a business. We hope this will make it difficult for illegal immigrants to be successful without first going through the citizenship process. All illegals found on the island will be given transport off the island rather than expensive incarceration.

Friday, April 11, 2014

While developing a basis in which to measure happiness in our country I would look at these catagories: How often do individuals go out for entertainment, How often do individuals spend time with their family,  How many credit cards do individuals currently have, How often do individuals take breaks at their job,  and How often do you give back to your community (community service). The first question of "how often they go out" is  hitting aimed toward the individuals social life and how often they interact with others. Spending time with their family is also another indicator because spending time with family usually leads to happier personas. Credit cards would determine if the person relies on/is carrying debt to sustain, and debt definitely can bring people down. Taking many breaks at a job can be an indicator that they may not thoroughly enjoy their line of work. Lastly how often they give back to the community, because most people who participate in community service get a satisfaction out of it that can improve ones happiness level. I feel that these questions would provide substantial information as to the happiness level of our countries citizens

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happiness Index

Number one could be a something along the lines of an individuals relationships with others for as we learned in most of the videos we watched on the science of happiness, or well being, that feeling connected with others is not only important to happiness it is somewhat innate within our own being.  Second could be level of importance one feels.  This of course is vague so it could include maybe importance to ones family, self, the community, or just simply overall in life.  Essentially how meaningful does your life feel.  Third could health with safety somewhat mixed in.  This would be more along the lines of physical health and safety not so much how financially secure one feels.  Fourth could be something along the lines of personal achievement.  Do you feel like you are reaching your full potential?  And fifth and finally could be something encompassing ones surroundings such as are you satisfied with your environment?  I know these are fairly vague and general ideas but its a start.  Picture of Aristotle for happiness.   

Thursday, April 3, 2014

1. I think that our group did a great job in completing the midterm. Everyone was prompt and on time for turning in his or her topics and research they had conducted for it. Personally I feel that we all contributed a substantial amount to the project with no free riders. I feel that my performance would receive around an 8-9 with the rest of the group around 7-9.

2. No, I would not remove a group member at this point. We have a large group right now so I believe we are pretty diverse, but an individual who is a good writer would be a useful addition. 

3. Basic workplace rules are important to our group:
A. Showing up – 10
B. Doing your fair share- 8
C. Being on Time- 7
D. Responding timely- 10
E. Handling conflict- 7
F. Being present in the group- 7

A. Good Communication between members
B. Keep your word/promises- if you say you’ll do something than do it.
C. Respect each other
D. Participate- Be involved in the groups discussions, and give your opinions
E. Have fun- make sure to enjoy yourself in the group because if you don’t you may do more harm than good.

Midterm and Group Dynamics

1.  Personally I believe everybody in the group did their fair share of work and it seemed as if everyone did the amount of work relative to: 1.  the way they like to put together information for a presentation and 2.  how they like to present that information.  Though I do have to hand it to Blake for putting together images and info for each person on Prezi or whatever its called, he went the extra mile above us.  Brandon also did a swell job organizing us as I was absent the day of the midterm being assigned yet was still kept on track.  I give myself a 7 because thats what most people rate themselves in most 10 point scales.
2.  I would remove no one.  We had people added to our group and so far they have not "dragged us down" in any way yet only strengthened us through numbers.  The person that I would add would be someone who sucks at doing group stuff and being a team player so we could kick them off therefore strengthening us as a group. 
3.  Are "rules" are fairly important if your slacking we will let you know. 
Showing up: 6
Doing your fair share: 7
Being on time: 6
Responding and Communicating: 7
Handling Conflict among group members: 8
Being present in the group: 7
4.  Five rules for having an effective group: 1.  Think critically 2.  Argue and challenge ideas formally and respectfully 3.  Remain in contact outside group meetings 4.  Show up 5.  Have fun