Taxes will be limited to a flat sales tax of 10% of the total sale, and a flat 20% income tax. The sales tax revenue will be split evenly between the region in which the sale was incurred, and the overarching government.
On the Regional Level
- The Sales Tax revenue within the region will go to providing transportation and maintaining the infrastructure of the region.
- Income Tax revenue will go to providing health services, police, fire departments, and public education.
On the Government Level
- The Sales Tax revenue will go toward maintaing an able military, and offering a limited amount of welfare programs that have strict requirements for enrollment.
Judicial System
The limited power of the Government will be enforced through a supreme court at head of a judicial system. This will be a 5 person committee elected by the people. Members will be elected for 8 year terms with the ability to serve two terms. There will be one member of the court elected by the other members as the head justice for the court. The judicial system will not have the power to create legislature, but will be carry the ability to enforce it.
On the Regional Level
- There will be regional courts with presiding judges for each individual region
- Those regional judges will have the power to mitigate issues within their region
- If the people wish to overturn a judges decision they may appeal to the supreme court with a 2/3 majority vote.
On the Governmental Level
- The supreme court will handle all impeachment or disciplinary hearings involving ranking members of the government, and hold them to the highest of standards.
- Ensure that all legislation does not violate the terms of the constitution or infringe on the bill of rights
First like to say I love the layout of this post, very well thought out and put together. I like the general feel of this, but ouch! That 20% might sting the lower-class a bit. All in all interesting read and I look forward to seeing your groups other posts!
great post, i like how you laid out the tax rates. i would like to see how that is going to play out. i agree with Kenneth that the 20% income tax will hurt the lower class. i think that the income tax should have to do with how much you make.
Yeah we contemplated having tax brackets that correspond to individuals incomes, but we thought we'd play around with the idea of a fixed rate. You both make a good point 20% may be high for lower income families so we may lower it.
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