Thursday, February 13, 2014

Banning marriages between individuals who don't love each other.,14401/

With the seemingly relentless debate and legislative action revolving around the topic of marriage, Its nice to have a little satire. Although the video is sarcastic, a lot of the points made in the video are honestly kind of true about traditional marriages. After watching this video I was curious to see what strange marriage laws may exist in our society today.

1. It is legal to annul a marriage that was done on a dare- Seems like a reasonable reason to bring up during a divorce hearing .....

2. Military members can get married by proxy if they desire too- because nothing says I love you more than sending your good friend billy to marry your wife for you.

3. Lastly, in South Carolina it is illegal to propose marriage and not mean it if ones is over 16 years old. Its actually a misdemeanor under the offenses against morality and decency act.

It seems that some areas of society hold on to their quirky marriage laws no matter how ridiculous they may seem.

Marriage Law Info

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A law like this, unfeasible as it may be, would not be such a bad idea- considering all of the unhappiness and divorce that splits family apart in this current age. If a law prohibiting love-less marriage was actually put into action, maybe families, children, and individuals would be much better off. However, how would any sort of court or legislature ever be able to determine the amount of love, or lack there of, between any one couple? If a successful or disastrous marriage could be foreseen, then their would be a lot less anger and unhappiness in the world that's for sure!